تعلن وزارة شؤون الشباب مع مؤسسة كانو الخيرية ووزارة الأشغال عن مسابقة معمارية لإعداد المخطط العام والتصاميم المبدئية لمركز شريفة كانو للفنون.

موضوع المسابقة

تهدف المسابقة الى تقديم مقترحات لتصميم مركز للفنون يكون الوجهة الأولى للشباب في البحرين وذلك لتحفيز الشباب لاستثمار أوقاتهم في تنمية مواهبهم الفنية من خلال خلق بيئة حاضنة للفنانين الشباب ليطوروا من مهاراتهم وإعطائهم الفرصة ليصبحوا محترفين في مختلف المجالات للمنافسة في سوق العمل والانطلاق للعالمية. 

موقع المشروع

منطقة البسيتين (بجانب مركز المحرق النموذجي الشبابي)

محافظة المحرق

الفئة المستهدفة للانتفاع من المركز

الشباب (من 10 – 35 سنة)

الفئة المستهدفة للمشاركة في المسابقة

-الطلبة والخريجين البحرينيين في مجال الهندسة المعمارية الى 35 سنة

-المهنيين البحرينيين أو المكاتب الهندسية البحرينية ضمن الفئة العمرية الى 35 سنة


شروط ومتطلبات التقديم

-الشروط والاحكام : يمكن الاطلاع على شروط المسابقة وجميع التفاصيل الخاصة بالمشروع في الرابط

-يمكن للجميع الاشتراك بعد ملئ استمارة التقديم وارسالها إلى البريد الإلكتروني للمسابقة ​


سيتم ارسال ملف الاوتوكاد للمشاركين عبر البريد الالكتروني 

​​دليل مسابقة التصميم مركز شريفة كانو للفنون.pdf

استمارة التسجيل لمسابقة مركز شريفة كانو.docx

لوقو وزارة الاشغال.png

​Sharifa Kanoo Art Center

Competition for Concept Design

21st March 2024


Addendum ( 1 )

1-129th Feb 2024Can please send the AutoCad file of the Plot Area.Please find attached Plot AutoCad drawing.
1-23rd March 2024
  1. Could you clarify any height or storey limits for the project?



  1. Are there budget constraints we should be aware of?


  1. Is it possible to remove the court on the site?

1.       Plot is classified as Public Services (PS). As per Urban Planning and Development Authority (UPDA) no design restrictions applied.

2.       Construction Cost Should not exceed BD 850,000.


3.       Court Cannot be removed.

1-3Would it be possible to get the measurements of the area's bordersPlease refer to Addendum 1-1.
1-44th March 2024We would like to inquire regarding the plot assigned for the competition. Can you please provide us with the accurate dimensions of the plot.Please refer to Addendum 1-1.
1-5I would like to inquire about the submission deadline as the date is not mentioned on the website nor on instagram posts.
I also want to confirm if the type of Public Service regulations, e.g. maximum built-up areas, set-backs... etc from UPDA can be considered Social Services Center مناطق خدمات اجتماعية.
Submission date is 13th May 2024.
Please refer to Addendum 1-2.
1-67th March 2024هل هناك ميزانية محدود للمشروع ؟ وان كان هناك كم الميزانية 

يجب ألا تتجاوز تكلفة البناء 850,000 دينار بحريني


1-714th March 2024في حالة الاشتراك كمكتب هندسي في المسابقة هل يشترط ان جميع اعضاء الفريق بحرينيين
وألا يتجاوز أعمار المشاركين 35 سنة
لا توجد اشتراطات للمهندسين المشاركين باسم مكتب هندسي بحريني
1-817th March 2024
  1. Can we get a proper plot boundary for the site in CAD format ?
  2. If possible to get the zoning specification in order to follow the building code regulation of Bahrain , ( height restrictions , number of floors , setback .. etc. )?
  3. The location of existing court seems to be in the opposite side ( SEE ATTACHMENT ) please clarify

1.       Please refer to Addendum 1-1.

2.       Please refer to Addendum 1-2.



3.       Please refer to Addendum 1-2.

1-918th March 2024

As per the requirements of the competition i have notice that its been pointed the design has to be in Autocad , can i use other design programs such as Revit or sketch up ?


Revit can be used in general, but Sketchup can be used for 3D drawings only.
1-1018th March 2024

بغيت اعرف رقم العقار للأرض الي تخص المسابقة ،واذا ماكان موجود احتاج ملف الاوتوكاد للارض


وهل نحتاج انه يكون في دمج مستقبلي بين مركز للموهوبين المجاور للمشروع ؟


وماهي ميزانية المشروع؟

والسؤال الاخير هل يمكن اضافه ملحقات اخرى غير المذكور ؟!

-          رقم العقار هو 02017899، إلا أن المشروع سيقام على جزء من هذا العقار كما هو موضح في ملف الأوتوكاد (الرجاء مراجعة البند 1-1)

-          المبنى مستقل بذاته ولن يدمج مع أي مباني مجاورة


-          الرجاء مراجعة البند 1-6

-          لا يمكن إضافة ملحقات أخرى الرجاء الالتزام بالمتطلبات المذكورة.


1-1118th March 20241. Can more spaces be added, such as an exhibition, a small theater, or a small library?
2. If yes, what is the percentage of additional space that can be added?
No additional spaces/functions to be added, kindly follow space requirements as mentioned in the RFP.



Addendum ( 2 )

2-122nd March 2024Regarding the toilet spaces, it is written that there are 8 toilets.
To clarify, is it 4 male and 4 female toilets (28sqm each), or is the area of 1 toilet space (28sqm) divided for both male and female?

4 male and 4 female toilets are required.

  • Each of 28 sq. m.
  • Each toilet will have 5 cubicles (One dedicated for handicapped)
2-224th March 2024Can you please confirm the plot area. According to Annexure (B) Requirements of the center: Plot area is 6928 m2. (kindly refer to the attachment). 
But when measured from the AutoCAD file, the area is approximately around 7270 m2. 
Kindly consider the area as per the AutoCAD file.
2-325th March 2024We would like to inquire regarding the requirements that need to be fulfilled for the consultancy firm to participate in the competition. Do they need to submit the requirements mentioned in Part II such as:
1. Pre and Post Contract Consultancy services
2. Technical and Financial Proposals
3. Form of Proposal (Appendices A-H)
4. Detailed Design and Working Drawings and
5. Annexure D - Technical Questionnaire Forms

Kindly inform if they need to submit only the Design Proposal in accordance with Part I or is there any other requirement.
Part II in the RFP is optional.

هل مساحة المخازن مقسمة على عدد القاعات ام انها مجمعة و يجب ان تكون بين القاعات؟



هل مساحة الحمامات مقسمة على 8 حمامات ام انه يمكن جمعهم في مكان واحد ؟

المساحة الكلية للمخازن 80 متر مربع، فصلها أو جمعها يعتمد على التصميم.
 المهم أن تخدم القاعات وتكون سهلة الوصول والاستخدام لكل قاعة.



الرجاء الاطلاع على البند 2-1 .

2-527th March 2024مساحه الارض جدا كبيره والمتطلبات قليله شلون انتوا بغيتوا انه يكون التوزيع في هالحاله لانه بكون اكثر شي لاند سكيب ؟المتبقي من مساحة الأرض متروك لحرية المشارك في التصميم مع مراعاة عدم توفير أي مساحات بناء غير مطلوبة
2-628th March 2024The total built area with carpark and outdoor covered garden is 3179 sqm. The plot area is 6928 sqm. 
This leaves 3749 sqm of open area. Can we allocate it for other zones/landscape as we see fit? 
Kindly refer to (add. 2-5)


Addendum ( 3 )

3-14th April 2024

How many stores u need can we do more than 1 ? 

And about the gift and coffee area, what's the size for per? Because its written total 48 and the area 48?



if it was more than the actual area u give like 10 sqm is it ok? Because its difficult to accurate the same 100% 

Kindly refer to (add. 2-4)


Total area for the gift and Café Shop is 48 sq m. divided as per the participant design.



5% area bias is acceptable for the whole building design.




Addendum ( 4 )

4-124th April 2024
  1. ماهي المتطلبات الأساسية للمشاركة؟ التصميم للمبنى وغيره؟




  1. عند المشاركة كفريق هل فريق التصميم بأكلمه يمكنه المشاركة أو فقط من سيقوم بعمل التصميم


  1. عند المشاركة كمكتب هندسي المتطلبات الاضافية تكون اختيارية مثل الرسومات التفصيلية الانشائية والميكانيكية والتكلفة وغيرها من أمور هل هذا صحيح

1.      المطلوب تسليم (Concept Design) حسب الوارد في وثائق المسابقة RFP المنشورة في موقع وزارة شئون الشباب.
الرجاء الاطلاع على الرابط أدناه:
مسابقة التصميم (mya.gov.bh)

2.      قرار توزيع الأدوار والمهام ضمن الفريق المشارك يعود للفريق نفسه



3.      صحيح

4-2هل يُسمح بتقديم مقترحين تصميمين مختلفين في نفس المسابقة بحيث يكون المقترح الأول ضمن فريق المكتب الهندسي الذي اعمل به  والمقترح الثاني ضمن فريقي الخاص المستقل؟
نعم، مسموح
4-328th April 2024هل سيتم تاجيل المسابقه لفترة اطول ؟ لانه المتطلبات كثيره وياريت لو المتطلبات تقل عشان نشتغل على المشروع بكل مانقدر بدون المتطلبات الكثيره ، وهل في رقم نقدر نتواصل عليه في حال الاستفسار؟ 

لا يوجد قرار بتأجيل تاريخ تسليم المشاركات في المسابقة أو تغيير متطلبات المسابقة حتى الآن، في حال التأجيل أو تغيير المتطلبات سيتم إخطار جميع المشاركين عن طريق البريد الالكتروني.


بإمكانكم إرسال جميع استفساراتكم للبريد الالكتروني الخاص بالمسابقة:

ملاحظة: آخر موعد لاستلام استفسارات المشاركين هو قبل 14 يوم من تاريخ آخر يوم لتسليم المشاركات كما هو وارد في إعلان المسابقة

4-429th April 2024

Firstly, do we register first before submitting the final design? (Registration form and passport attachment) Or registration and submission both at the same time?


Secondly, it was not stated exactly where to submit the final drawings, is it done by email and to whom should it be sent to?








Lastly, there are 5 deliverables to be sent, are we expected to send all 5 formats or choose one of them?


Better to register earlier to be in the addendums loop.





Please refer to the RFP, page 7, 1.3 Place of Submission:

The Concept Design Proposals shall be returned to:
The Office of AUS, Construction Projects and Maintenance New Building 9th Floor Ministry of Works Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: (+973) 17545811
Please refer to the RFP, Page 5, 1.1 Submission Guidelines for Concept Design Competition:

All material requested must be clear, concise and thorough. Where restrictions or formats are specific, they must be followed explicitly; otherwise, the participants are free to express and represent their ideas in a manner best-suited to the material presented.
The content of the submission shall be limited to the following:
 i. Illustrative Boards (minimum of 2 boards)
 ii. Concept Design Report (soft copy)
 iii. Soft copy of Drawings (AutoCAD 2010)
 iv. Documentation on Microsoft Office 2010
v. PowerPoint presentation of the project



Addendum ( 5 )

5-130th April 2024I would just like to inquire if there is an opportunity to extend the deadline submission of the project

Revised submission due date is 30th May 2024

The Concept Design Proposals shall be returned to:
The Office of AUS, Construction Projects and Maintenance New Building 9th Floor Ministry of Works Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: (+973) 17545811

Proposals shall be returned to the place of submission no later than 1:30 PM on the day of submission.

5-22nd May 2024كنت ابي اعرف عن تفاصيل تسليم التصميم هل بيكون ورقي مطبوع او على CV ?Please refer to (4-4) Addendum 4
5-33rd May 2024about the competition, since the plot area is much bigger than the built-up area, can we add outdoor open spaces to serve the halls and act as open exhibitions and communication spaces?No additional spaces/functions to be added, kindly follow space requirements as mentioned in the RFP.
However, adding open spaces (not built) is subjected to the participant design.
5-44th May 2024Hope this email finds you well. Just wanted to double-check regarding the submission date and if there is a chance for an extension. Please let us know. An extension would allow us to submit overall better-quality work, so it would be very helpful. Please refer to add. (5-1)
5-55th May 2024I'm writing to follow up on the submission requirements. I noticed item number "iv. Documentation on Microsoft Office 2010." Could you please elaborate on what kind of documentation is required for this specific item?
what are we expected to submit? Any additional details you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
Please refer to 1.1.4 Page 6&7 of Sharifa Kanoo Competition RFP
Project Comprehension
This element shall consist of a concise and complete discussion and comprehension of the Project. This shall cover:
i. Purpose of the Project
ii. Building Configuration Concept
iii. Site Development/Landscaping
iv. Any explanatory drawings and sections
Qualified Consultancy Firms participating in the competition may also include the following information in their Concept Design Submission:
 i. An outline study of all proposed architectural, structural, electrical, mechanical systems and their functions.
ii. Requirements of the Project including codes, regulations, and international and local standards to be applied; design parameters and other special requirements.
iii. Estimated probable cost of the project.
5-66th May 2024

-It is asked to submit a Documentation on Microsoft. What is meant by documentation? Do you mean take photos of the stages and process of our work, site visits etc.? And shall it be submitted as a soft copy like the report and drawings?


-In regards to the power point presentation, do you also want it printed as a hard copy or only soft copy?

Please refer to add. (5-5)






Soft copy

5-77th May 2024

I'm writing to ask you about how to submit the final deliverables for the competition. 

Below is the excerpt from the Competition Brief PDF:

The content of the submission shall be limited to the following:
 i. Illustrative Boards (minimum of 2 boards)
 ii. Concept Design Report (soft copy)
 iii. Soft copy of Drawings (AutoCAD 2010)
 iv. Documentation on Microsoft Office 2010 
v. PowerPoint presentation of the project

It says that some documents should be sent as a soft copy and some as a hard copy.
 Can you explain how we can send the deliverables together? 

Soft copy documents to be handed over on a Flash memory or a CD along with the hard copy requirements to The Office of AUS, Construction Projects and Maintenance New Building 9th Floor Ministry of Works Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: (+973) 17545811


5-812th May 2024Can we remove the boundary wall between the allocated plot and Muharraq Model Youth Center?No. However, you may make openings in the boundary wall.
5-9How many pages Concept Design report is?Should not exceed 20 pages, however participant can submit supporting documents with no limited number of pages or words.
5-10Can we get plot AutoCad file showing the plot boundary?Please find attached as requested.
5-11What language should be used for the submittals?English
5-12Can we modify the court within the plot or the substation next to the plot?No
5-13Can we provide direct car access from main road?Car access can be provided only from the internal road parallel to Muharraq Model Youth Center access road.
5-1414th May 2024can we submit more than two A1s papers? Is it minimum two papers or a must?Please refer to the RFP page 5, 1.1.
Minimum 2 A1 Illustrative Boards to be submitted for each proposal.


Addendum ( 6 )

6-114th May 2024In addendum 5 you mentioned that submission revised date is 30th of May
Does this mean it's an extension for submission date for everyone? Or is it for the ones who already submitted on 13th to revise their submission

The extension for all participants.

The Concept Design Proposals shall be returned to:
The Office of AUS, Construction Projects and Maintenance New Building 9th Floor Ministry of Works Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: (+973) 17545811


Proposals shall be returned to the place of submission no later than 1:30 PM on 29th or 30th May 2024.

6-2Is the submission is on 30th of may or is it for the already submitted to just revise ?Please refer to Add. (6-1)


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